Mini Secretariat Nuh

District Information Technology Society, Nuh

A District Information Technology Society (DITS) is an organization or body typically established at the district level within a country or region. Its primary goal is to promote and facilitate the use of information technology (IT) and related services to improve governance, provide e-governance solutions, and enhance overall technological infrastructure and digital literacy within the district.

Our Objectives

E-Governance Initiatives

DITS often play a crucial role in implementing e-governance projects within their respective districts. These projects aim to bring government services and information closer to citizens through digital means, making them more accessible and efficient.

Infrastructure Development

DITS work towards developing and maintaining IT infrastructure within the district. This includes setting up computer centers, data centers, and networking infrastructure to support various e-governance initiatives.

Capacity Building

DITS may conduct training programs and workshops to enhance the digital literacy and technical skills of government employees and the general public. These initiatives help ensure that people can effectively use technology for various purposes.

Antyodaya SARAL Kendra Punhana

About DITS

A District Information Technology Society (DITS) is an organization or body typically established at the district level within a country or region. Its primary goal is to promote and facilitate the use of information technology (IT) and related services to improve governance, provide e-governance solutions, and enhance overall technological infrastructure and digital literacy within the district.

Key Responsibilities

Data Management

DITS may be responsible for managing and maintaining data related to various government programs and services. They ensure data security and privacy while making relevant information accessible to authorized users.

Promotion of IT Industry

In some cases, DITS also work to promote the growth of the IT industry within their districts. This can include attracting IT companies, supporting startups, and creating an environment conducive to IT-related economic activities.

Promotion of IT Industry

In some cases, DITS also work to promote the growth of the IT industry within their districts. This can include attracting IT companies, supporting startups, and creating an environment conducive to IT-related economic activities.

Monitoring and Evaluation

DITS may be responsible for monitoring the progress and impact of e-governance initiatives, ensuring that they meet their intended objectives.


They often serve as a coordination point between various government departments, agencies, and organizations involved in IT and e-governance projects within the district.

Policy Implementation

DITS help implement national and state IT policies and guidelines at the district level.

Who's Who

Mobirise Website Builder
Dhirendra Khadgata, IAS
Deputy Commissioner-cum-Chairman
Mobirise Website Builder
Renu Sogan, IAS
Additional Deputy Commissioner-cum-Vice Chairman
Mobirise Website Builder
Gajender Singh, HCS
City Magistrate-cum-Member Secretary
Mobirise Website Builder
Md Nadeem Akhtar
District Informatics Officer-cum-Incharge
Our Projects
Antyodaya SARAL Kendra


Antyodaya SARAL Kendra (ASRK) is a citizen-centric initiative launched by the Government of Haryana, India. The objective of ASRK is to provide a one-stop solution for various government services and schemes, making it easier for citizens to access government services and information. The term "SARAL" stands for "Simple, All Inclusive, Real-Time, Actionable, Long-lasting."

District IT Lab


District IT Labs offer training programs and workshops to enhance the digital literacy and technical skills of government employees, students, and the general public. These programs aim to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively use IT tools and applications.



The Haryana Space Applications Centre (HARSAC) is a government organization in the Indian state of Haryana that specializes in space technology applications and geospatial services. HARSAC is known for its GIS (Geographic Information System) Lab, which is dedicated to the use and application of geospatial technologies for various purposes, including urban planning, agriculture, disaster management, and environmental monitoring.

Video Conference


The District Information Technology Society (DITS) with the support of National Informatics Centre (NIC) play significant roles in establishing video conference infrastructure in Haryana.DITS and NIC collaborate with government departments and agencies to assess their requirements for video conferencing infrastructure. This involves understanding the specific needs of each department, including the type of meetings and conferences they conduct, the number of participants, and the technical requirements.

Aadhar Seva Kendra


District Information Technology Society (DITS) in Aadhaar Seva Services in Haryana, and in many other states in India, typically includes facilitating and supporting the enrollment and update processes related to the Aadhaar card, which is India's unique identification system.DITS often sets up and operates Aadhaar enrollment centers within the district. These centers are responsible for collecting demographic and biometric data from residents who are applying for Aadhaar cards for the first time.

Atal Seva Kendra


Atal Seva Kendra (ASK) initiative was part of the Haryana government's efforts to provide citizens with a range of government services under one roof, promoting efficiency and convenience. The District Information Technology Society (DITS) in Haryana likely plays a role in the establishment and functioning of Atal Seva Kendras. On the behalf of District Adminstration DITS coordinate with all stake holders for setting up the physical infrastructure for Atal Seva Kendras, including the establishment of service centers at strategic locations within the district. This involves selecting suitable locations, procuring necessary equipment, and ensuring a conducive environment for providing services.

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308, Mini Secretariat, Nuh, Haryana

Working Hours

9:00 - 17:00